Science plays a key role in the life and development of society, contributing to its progress. Scientific research helps to find solutions to problems that arise over time.
The citability rate is an important indicator for every author, as it shows how relevant, popular and interesting their work is to the scientific community. How can this indicator be improved?
Writing a research paper is a meticulous and important moment in a scientist's research activities. Every researcher wants to publish their work in a reputable journal. But how do you avoid getting caught by a predatory journal?
In the process of reviewing scientific papers for publication in international scientific databases, all manuscripts must be peer-reviewed. This is a prerequisite. However, this process can sometimes take quite a long time. Why does this happen?
Every year, scientists write thousands of research papers in the field of medicine, which is one of the most important areas in everyone's life. Today, we have compiled a list of some of the best databases for publishing and indexing medical research papers.
Scientific activity involves publishing research in scientific journals indexed in international scientometric databases. A researcher's publication in Scopus and Web of Science adds status and prestige. But how does this affect a career?