Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Why are we trusted?

We guarantee the result
Our company is the only one on the market that guarantees researchers the result, and does not hide behind the process.
Cooperation with us is chosen by institutions of higher education and research organisations from different countries
Scientific Publications cooperates with researchers from over 45 countries, the largest institutions of higher education and scientific institutions in Ukraine, the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is confirmed by signed documents and memoranda of cooperation.
Our clients are legally protected
We work transparently and strictly within the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic. As part of our co-operation with each client, we conclude a formal contract that sets out in detail all important terms and conditions, including the rights and obligations of the parties.
Scientific Publications is a team of professionals
By contacting us, you get a team of professionals in scientific consulting. Numerous specialists start working on your paper: personal manager, editor, translator, journal search specialist, lawyer, accountant, and others. Each of them specialises in their field and skilfully does their job.
We can handle any challenge
Our specialists solve problems and implement projects of the most complex level in journals included in Scopus and Web of Science. The knowledge, experience, and main principles of cooperation (respect for the client, transparent and open actions) acquired over many years of publishing work contribute to the successful solution of problems of absolutely any complexity.
The best conditions for our clients
The company collaborates with scientific journals directly, as well as with educational institutions and scientometric databases from around the world, constantly increasing the number of partners and expanding the geography of cooperation. This gives us the confidence to guarantee the success of publications, the best cost and compliance with deadlines.
We develop science
The priority goal of our company is to develop the sphere of science and scientometrics through consulting assistance to scientists, scientific organisations and universities. Our specialists regularly conduct seminars, webinars and conferences, publish the first magazine on scientometrics in Kyrgyzstan “Science and Metrics”, as well as create a portal for all scientists to develop a constructive dialogue on topical issues in the research sphere.

Order publication in journals from the
Scopus/Web of Science database