Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Assistance with publication in NAC journals

  • Formal contract
  • Free audit of your article free of charge
  • Full support until successful publication
  • Selection of the most prestigious scientific journals
Scientific Publications - order publication from NAC (HAC) journals

What is NAC?

NAC – National Attestation Commission, formerly known as the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), is a state collegial scientific-expert body that carries out state regulation in the field of attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification.

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals contributes to the achievement of key scientific goals for scientists in Kyrgyzstan:

  • Obtaining the degree of PhD.
  • Doctor of Sciences degree.
  • New career achievements.

Order the service

What does the service include?

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Editing and formatting

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Layout of the article and list of references

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Academic translation

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Correspondence with the editorial board

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Selection of a scientific journal

Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company

Article indexing in the database

How much does a publication cost?

Answer a few questions and get information about the cost of the publication you are interested in

1. You need a publication for:
Dissertation defense Graduation Grant application Compliance with the requirements of the university Other purposes
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2. How urgently do you need a publication?
Up to 6 months 6-9 months Up to 1 year Does not matter. As long as it gets published
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3. In which scientific area do you need publication?
Technical sciences Social sciences Medicine Geosciences Other area
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4. Is your article ready?
Yes, it is ready Almost ready, needs to be finalized There are only drafts/ideas No article
Skip the question
Where do we send the result?

Leave your contact details, our manager will reach you and offer possible options, taking into account your answers

Working with us is profitable and reliable!

  • Confidentiality
  • Copyright protection
  • Compliance with publication deadlines
  • Cooperation guarantee until indexing

The Scientific Publications company works exclusively in the legal field and renders it services officially. We conclude a model Agreement with each client, which is a legal guarantee of the researcher.

Do you have any questions?

Leave your contact details, and our manager will contact you to specify all the details, as well as conduct an audit of the article

Get a free article audit
Publication in NAC (HAC) journals with Scientific Publications company
Alina Lobok

Personal manager

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