Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Scientific Publications. Result, not process.

Scientific Educational Centerof the

Scientific Educational Center
of the "Scientific Publications" company

The Scientific Educational Center of the "Scientific Publications" company conducts webinars and seminars on scientometrics to provide researchers with information about the key aspects of writing successful scientific articles and the latest developments in this field. We will help improve your research work, create optimal conditions for its publication in leading international scientific journals, and ensure your recognition by the global scientific community.

A series of educational webinars on scientometrics

“International Experience in the Publication Field. Successful Publications in Scopus and Web of Science”

The educational webinar series aims to cover all the key aspects of a scientist’s publication activity in international scientometric databases. It addresses the main challenges researchers face when writing articles for foreign journals. Join the series and take an important step towards gaining recognition in the international scientific community.

A certificate is awarded to participants who attend at least 3 out of 4 topics in the series

A useful aspect

What benefits will you gain from participating in webinars?

You will receive information about the latest developments in the field of scientometrics and scientific publications.
You will learn about scientometric metrics for analyzing your work.
You will identify the key aspects of how international bibliographic databases operate.
from around the world
Seminars and
Pavlo Kolomiiets Scientific Educational Centerof the

Pavlo Kolomiiets

  • Two higher education degrees: Aviation Electronics and Screenwriting for Film and Television;
  • An expert in scientific consulting;
  • A specialist at the Scientific Educational Center of the "Scientific Publications" company;
  • A host of scientific and informational seminars and webinars in the field of scientometrics;
  • Host of the "Scientific Publications" YouTube channel;
  • Participant in scientific conferences and forums;
  • Public relations specialist.
Registration for webinars