Defending a dissertation and obtaining academic degrees is a long and challenging process that requires careful planning and hard work. The results of the thesis must be published in scientific journals in the form of scientific articles. Today we will look at what articles should be published by postgraduate students and doctoral students for successful defence of the dissertation and obtaining academic degrees.
Thesis defence in Kyrgyzstan
All requirements for defending a dissertation for obtaining scientific degrees in Kyrgyzstan, as well as the list and number of required scientific publications are defined in the “Regulations on the procedure for awarding scientific degrees” of 18 January 2022.
A dissertation is an individual scientific qualification work, which should be carried out by the applicant independently. It should contain new scientific results and concepts proposed by the author for public defence, be logically structured and have a clear scientific orientation. An important feature of the work is the relationship of the results obtained, which reflects the integrity of the problem under study and indicates a significant contribution of the applicant to the development of science.
When determining the personal participation of the co-researcher in achieving the results set forth in the thesis and abstract, it is necessary to indicate that it is he who owns: the research concept, hypothesis, its experimental confirmation, development of methodology or apparatus, theoretical comprehension of the obtained data, formulation of new scientific provisions, etc.
Doctoral and PhD dissertation may be submitted for defence in one or two scientific specialties within the same branch of science.
Admission to the defence of a dissertation
Persons having higher education confirmed by a specialist or master's diploma in the relevant fields (medical, veterinary, legal sciences) are admitted to the defence of dissertations for the degree of doctor or candidate of sciences in medical, veterinary, legal sciences.
To the defence of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences are admitted persons who have completed doctoral studies, as well as applicants attached to higher educational institutions or scientific institutions with research and experimental facilities for the preparation of dissertations.
Persons who have completed postgraduate studies, as well as applicants with relevant higher education, attached to higher education institutions or scientific organisations with the necessary research and experimental base for passing the candidacy examinations and preparing dissertations, are allowed to defend candidate dissertations.
Necessary scientific publications for successful defence of the dissertation
The main results of the PhD thesis must be published in scientific editions included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals, formed in accordance with the rules approved by the Presidium of the Commission. The rules for its formation, requirements for such publications and criteria for their scoring are approved by the Presidium of the Commission and published on its official website.
Doctor of Sciences
The main results of the doctoral dissertation must be published in scientific editions included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific periodicals. The rules for its formation, requirements for such publications and criteria for their scoring are approved by the Presidium of the Commission and published on its official website.
It is important to note that newspaper articles, deposited manuscripts, theses of reports are NOT included in the list of published works.
Scientists and leading production specialists who have the degree of PhD are given the opportunity to defend a doctoral dissertation in the form of a scientific report. This right is granted on an exceptional basis to those who have made a significant scientific and practical contribution to the development of the national economy of the Republic. In addition, they must have significant achievements in the relevant scientific field.
The dissertation defence is an important and responsible step in the career of every scientist. To successfully pass this stage, it is necessary to prepare in advance and publish the necessary scientific articles. After all, the closer to the defence, the more competition and hype around publications, which leads to long queues, making it difficult to publish papers on time.
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