“Scientific Publications”, a leader in scientific consulting in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, continues to expand. The first office in the Kyrgyz Republic has recently been opened. Where exactly is the new office located?
National H-index Ranking updates data twice a year – in the 2nd and 4th quarters. Now experts are assessing the national indicators of individual countries, gradually updating the information on the website. Today we will look at how the indicators of scientific organisations and institutions of Kyrgyzstan have changed as of the 4th quarter of 2024.
The Hirsch index is one of the most influential and important metrics of scientists' activities, as it reflects the impact of both the author and his or her work. What is the Hirsch index and how is it calculated?
Scientific cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan has existed for many years, including student exchanges and scholarships. A community of Chinese scientists has been formed in Kyrgyzstan, which includes postgraduate students, doctoral students and researchers for whom publication in Web of Science is an important condition for scientific development and career growth.
In order to successfully pass the procedure of foreign diploma recognition, it is important to know what documents you need to prepare, which organisations to apply to and what this procedure is in general. Today we will review the main stages and requirements for this process in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Raising the ranking of a scientist and university is a long process that requires constant effort and investment. What methods and strategies are the most effective on this path?