On September 18, 2024, leading trusted information and analytics company, Clarivate, unveiled a new generative AI-based product, Primo Research Assistant.
What are the main differences between the impact factor and other metrics (CiteScore, h-index, Journal Citation Reports)? How is the impact factor calculated and what is it really for?
OpenAI has introduced a new version of ChatGPT based on a new artificial intelligence technology called OpenAI o1. What are the new features, and why is the new version better for scientists?
Publishing in the international scientometric database Scopus has many advantages for researchers and scientists. One of these benefits is receiving awards.
Science is inherently international. Researchers and scientific institutions collaborate across national borders, and a large proportion of scientific publications have co-authors from different countries.
There are a large number of scientific databases in the world, both international and national. However, some of them have a bad reputation among scientists and are recommended to be avoided.