Publishing conference abstracts is a common practice, but it has a number of limitations compared to full articles in journals of scientific metric databases. Why choose journal publication?
In the process of research and publishing, scientists select and publish research in various databases. However, not all scientometric databases are good. Which ones should you avoid?
National H-index Ranking updates data twice a year – in the 2nd and 4th quarters. Now experts are assessing the national indicators of individual countries, gradually updating the information on the website. Today we will look at how the indicators of scientific organisations and institutions of Kyrgyzstan have changed as of the 4th quarter of 2024.
Publishing a scientific article in the Scopus database is a rather complicated and lengthy process that scientists in many countries go through to obtain titles and academic degrees. How can you increase your chances of article acceptance?
Web of Science and Scopus are one of the largest, most prestigious and authoritative scientometric databases in the world, and every scientist needs to publish in them. What are their main differences?
Publication in scientometric databases is one of the key aspects that affect the professional development of scientists. Scopus is one of the most influential and reputable of them. Today, we will take a closer look at the benefits and features of this database, as well as explain what a researcher profile is.