DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique code that is assigned to objects, which can be either digital, physical or abstract. In other words, a DOI is a reference to a specific object.
Scientists and scholars can obtain an O-1 or EB-1 visa due to their activities. Obtaining such visas is an opportunity to continue scientific activities in the United States.
When writing scientific articles, authors may make a number of mistakes that may result in the article being rejected for review and further publication. What are these mistakes?
Publishing a research paper in a journal is important for every scientist. But if the author wants to disseminate his or her work and results, it is necessary to think about strategies for their promotion.
Writing a research paper is a meticulous and important moment in a scientist's research activities. Every researcher wants to publish their work in a reputable journal. But how do you avoid getting caught by a predatory journal?
In the process of reviewing scientific papers for publication in international scientific databases, all manuscripts must be peer-reviewed. This is a prerequisite. However, this process can sometimes take quite a long time. Why does this happen?