Preparing a dissertation is a complex and time-consuming process, for which you need to start preparing in advance. This article will tell you how to start preparing for a dissertation defence.
Scientific Publications has traditionally prepared an updated list of scientific journals that are no longer indexed in the Scopus database. In our review, you can find the current list of publications that were excluded from the database in June 2024.
There are many scientific databases in the world, including the most prestigious and authoritative ones. Having a profile in one of these databases, such as Web of Science, is recommended for all scientists and scholars.
The Scopus and Web of Science databases are among the most influential and authoritative in the world. Publications included in these databases are carefully selected and reviewed in detail. How to successfully publish in Scopus and Web of Science?
When conducting research and preparing a manuscript for publication, authors often face the question: Where to publish my research? Which journal to choose and are there any free options?