Apart from such large-scale scientometric databases as Scopus and Web of Science, there are other large reference services: ERIH+ (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences) and JSTOR. They index social science and humanities literature, articles in English and other European languages, which opens up opportunities for citing more scientific papers.
Publishing in ERIH+ or JSTOR journals allows researchers to find and receive grants, start and continue collaborations, and develop their research and careers.
These platforms provide access to valuable scientific content, facilitate the search for information to expand research. These databases make provision for serious peer review of articles by academic experts.
Scientific Publications is honing its professionalism on larger databases, but researchers are asking us to publish their articles in JSTOR and ERIH+ journals.
If you need publication in the journals indexed specifically by these services, we are happy to help you. Contact our specialists using the online chat or contact form, and they will provide you with the necessary advice on your request.